Whether you’re living with a mental disorder or know someone who is, you aren’t alone. Millions of people are pushing through what often feels like a struggle against themselves and millions more are trying to understand. But there’s a gap between those who understand and those who do not—awareness is the first step to closing that gap and that’s part of our goal. While we are recognizing World Mental Health Day and the endurance that many are showing, we believe mental health deserves more than a day. Throughout the rest of the year, we’ll be sharing information to build awareness, provide resources and helpful tips, and share stories to help reduce the stigma.
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We’re in this together
As you learn, we encourage you to share with friends and family. If you relate, we’d love to hear your story. Use #trainwithrunkeeper and tag @Runkeeper in your post. The running community is full of all shapes and sizes as well as perspectives and illnesses—and if there’s one thing that the running community can do well it’s supporting one another during both the struggles and the triumphs.
Your mental and physical health have to work together to help maintain both a healthy body and outlook. We hope we’re able to give you tools for both so that you can live a life that gives you a sound mind in a sound body (Anima Sana In Corpore Sano…ASICS).
Guided Workouts from ASICS elite athletes
Do professional athletes incorporate mental well-being into their lives? Yep. In a big way. So big that an Olympian and a World Championship runner both have created three new Guided Workouts with techniques and tools to help your mental health as well as that of others.
Join Deena Kastor and Johnny Gregorek on a run (or walk!) as they explore the connections between mental and physical health with running.

Mental health and running
Take care of your mind with advice and education on how you can help improve your mental health with exercise.
What Is Gratitude & How Can It Make You A Better Runner?
The only difference between a gratitude run and a normal run is what you think about.
Continue Reading What Is Gratitude & How Can It Make You A Better Runner?
10 Ways to Find Gratitude in Daily Life
Expressing gratitude to the people in your life is a perfect way to nurture relationships.
Running and Postpartum Depression – Laura Norris’ Journey
Laura had the tools in her toolbox to control her anxiety, thanks to running.
Continue Reading Running and Postpartum Depression – Laura Norris’ Journey
Forging Resiliency in Challenging Times
Every challenge you face in running, or life, is an opportunity to build resiliency.
Q&A with Dr. Justin Ross on Runkeeper Instagram
Dr. Justin Ross—a clinical psychologist and one of our ASICS Running Coaches— took over the Runkeeper Instagram to answer your mental health-related questions.

Mind Uplift
Before your next run, ASICS invites you to join the world’s largest research project to discover the impact movement has on the mind. Capture your Mind Uplift to see how movement uplifts you and the world around you. The process takes approximately two minutes, with a few simple steps before and after you exercise.

The Difference Between Sadness, Depression, Anxiety, and Stress
Learn the core differences between the most commonly interchanged terms—stress and anxiety and sadness and depression.
Running And Mental Health: ASICS Running Apps Team Share Their Journey
The ASICS Running Apps team members share their stories and talk about how running has impacted their mental health.
Uplifting Minds: Experience the Power of Sport on Your Mind
Join ASICS’ unique study to understand exactly how long it takes for exercise to positively impact the mind.
Mental Health Disorders 101
Millions of people are pushing through what often feels like a struggle against themselves and millions more are trying to understand. But there’s a gap between those who understand and those who do not—awareness is the first step to closing that gap. If you struggle from any mental health disorders, remember you are not alone.
How To Break Through Common Roadblocks With Running
Running is as much about your mental capacity as it is your physical capabilities. Overcoming mental roadblocks isn’t an easy feat, but with the right strategies, enough practice, and a little self-belief, you can conquer them.
Nine Ways Running Can Benefit Your Mental Health
Running can boost your energy and mood, which can make it a great way to start your day feeling optimistic and charged before getting to work.
Mindfulness 101: Master The Art of Mindful Running
Mindful running is defined as the ability to let go of distractions and become mentally connected with your body during your runs.
How Running Can Work Wonders For Your Mental Health
If you’re facing trouble in knowing where exactly to start, head over to the ASICS Runkeeper app for guided workouts, custom running plans, and more. We’ll be there for you!
Can Running Help Improve My Mood?
The quick answer is yes.
How Running Helps Fight Anxiety and Unlock Mental Clarity
Did you know the time spent pounding the pavement may also reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression and make you feel better?
Please note: This campaign is intended for informational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.